Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Many men go fishing all of their lives...

without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~Henry David Thoreau

What does this mean? It's the thrill of the catch, the chase rewarded, that gives us what we're looking for.

Sure, in this example catching a fish would be a worthwhile and satisfying goal, but if a fish is all you want it would be much easier to go to the market.

What we're looking for is experience. What we as humans thrive on is the challenging pursuit of a worthwhile goal. Overcoming obstacles, seeking out resources, small victories along the way, keen insights that advance our cause, the adrenalin rush of scaling heights we set out for ourselves...that is what we seek and the reason we do is clear...

It's what gives life meaning and purpose.

You are never more alive than when you are in the pursuit of something you believe in.

Most of us are seeking some kind of inspiration, thrill, energy and fulfillment in our lives. It's already there, it just needs you to put it on the path...

So jump start your day by setting out to achieve your goals, realizing that on the way there...

you are who you want to be just by being on the path to what you want.